December 20, 2014

Donate a Car in NY: How to Maximize Tax Deductions from a Car Donation

The car donation process sounds so simple: Donate your used vehicle to charity and receive a tax deduction while you help those in need. It’s a win-win situation, right? Not necessarily. Without a little planning and preparation, it can be easy for well-meaning donors like you to end up stumbling and fumbling with deductions come tax time.

December 18, 2014

Donate a Car in New York—The Best Pre-owned Cars to Donate this Year

Considering how vast the planet is, one might think that making a difference or changing the world for the better are feats best left to extraordinary individuals—but such is not always the case. As Aesop, the popular Greek storyteller, once stated: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Therefore, whether you’re planning to volunteer at local charities or donate your car in New York with the help of car donation processing companies like Miles Ahead Donations, know that you’re about to contribute and support a noble cause.

December 16, 2014

Charitable Contributions Increase Due to Factors like NY Car Donation

The increase, which extended up to the latter days of July this year, came off the heels of massive increases a year before. According to an infographic by Blackbaud, 2013 saw an almost 5 percent increase (4.9 percent) in overall charitable contributions, alongside a huge 13.5 percent increase in online donations alone. Of all the organizations involved, international affairs organizations were the most active in terms of overall giving with a 13.2 percent increase. The previous year alone has seen a huge boom in terms of overall charitable contributions from both organizations and individuals alike, with the latter being the single largest contributors. Overall, donors donated some $335 billion. In other words, people are becoming more and more generous, and giving itself has become the “in” thing to do.

December 15, 2014

Ensure Your Car Donation Goes to the Right People

Donating a car is a welcome and gratifying choice for those who want to dispose of their car, but find it difficult to find a buyer and would rather not junk it. The prospect of a tax deduction is an additional lure. However, you can’t just dump your car in front of any charity’s office. There is a procedure to follow to get the full benefits of a car donation. Do your homework and be vigilant, but allow yourself a good deed. You don’t want to have to hand your car over to just anyone and you want to be sure that the proceeds from the sale of your car is going to the charity of your choice. Here’s a checklist to follow to ensure your donation is going to the right place:

December 14, 2014

New York Car Donation Drives and the Art of Giving Without Spending

Volunteer – For people with not much money to spare, giving time and effort in support of a worthy cause is enough of a donation. Food pantries, soup kitchens, animal shelters, and nursing homes could always use an extra pair of hands, as well as a genuine, indomitable spirit (more so if such operations are done in times of calamity). Plus, it’s practically the “in” thing to do nowadays with people from all walks of life participating in volunteer work left and right. Donate your old car – If you’ve been trying to get rid of your old car but lacked the time to sell it properly, consider donating it to a local New York car donation organization like Miles Ahead Donations. A donated car can yield significant opportunities for the chosen non profit the proceeds are donated to.

December 13, 2014

Car Donations Made Easy

Want to gain substantial tax deductions at the end of the year? Donate that old car you no longer use. Even the IRS has taken steps to make the car donation process simpler to speedily benefit those in need. One of these steps is the easier way owners can now calculate the fair market value of their car.

December 12, 2014

Why You Should Donate a Car in NY Instead of Bathing in Ice Water

If you are planning to give to charity, you have to do it for the most selfless of reasons. While joining a charity challenge that everybody seems to be doing might be fun, you should not forget that there are other more effective ways to pledge your support. Donate your car in NY through a service such as Miles Ahead Donations, and you are sure to contribute significantly to your charity of choice. The problem with money-based donations and charities with publicity gimmicks is that it is too easy for donors to pledge just a little bit of their resources to paint themselves as heroes. Why settle for such a superficial and paltry show of generosity when you can give so much more to help the less fortunate? If you donate a car in NY, you can help charities achieve their goals. Your old automobile could do a whole lot more than your spare change could.

December 10, 2014

How a Car Donation in New York Will Genuinely Benefit a Nonprofit

If you truly want to give to a good cause, you should look past a charitable drive’s gimmicks and actually do something to help the nonprofits involved. You do not even need to give away something fancy; your old car might be a good place to start. If you want to make a car donation in New York, you should keep in touch with organizations such as Miles Ahead Donations to facilitate your generous offer. Car donations are some of the most straightforward methods of pledging support to nonprofit organizations. As a bonus for your altruistic contribution, whenever you donate a car in New York, you will receive the appropriate tax benefits for your generosity.

December 7, 2014

Donate a Car to NY Charities to Feed the Poor for that Good Feeling

A significant number of people in the world give to charity, and that’s a good thing. If you’re part of that statistic, have you ever wondered why someone would donate a car to NY charities to shelter perfect strangers, or feed the hungry whom they’ve never met? Social psychologists have a theory behind this behavior, as described in an Eva’s Village article by Joanne Fagan:

December 5, 2014

Making a Car Donation to New York Charities from a Distant City

So you’ve finally decided to cut ties with the old junker in the garage. You had a good run and your share of happy memories, but it’s time to move on. Plus, the car’s value will be written off as a tax deduction. Bear in mind, however, that making a car donation in New York, Boston, and other urbanized locations isn’t as simple as dropping change into a tin cup. Joanne Fritz described the risks and complexities in her article in

December 3, 2014

A Reason to Donate a Car in NY: Get Tax Deductions for your Donation

Choosing to donate a car in NY through organizations like Miles Ahead Donations opens the opportunity to a lot of advantages, ranging from a sense of moral fulfilment to tangible financial benefits. No matter what your reason may be, you would probably agree that getting tax donations would have to be one of its greatest perks.

December 1, 2014

Car Donation in New York: Suitable Choice Not Only for the Wealthy

In cities like New York where there are several ways and opportunities to give, baby boomers, and other people who are really keen on sending help to charities but are struggling to do so, can find other alternatives, one of which is making a car donation in New York. Taking this route is an excellent way of helping out your favorite charities without really taking too much impact on your finances. This is perfect for households that have a car, an SUV, or any other vehicle that is no longer being used and is just collecting dust in the garage. Before deciding to donate your car in New York, you must first select the right group that is capable of helping you the moment you move your car from your house and maximizing its value.

November 30, 2014

Reasons to Donate a Car in NY rather Than Sell it for its Market Worth

It’s fast, and it’s a good thing. Aside from the time saved and trouble avoided, helping the needy is a universal act of generosity and kindness. Anyone who does it is always bound to feel good afterwards. If you’ve already decided to donate a car in NY immediately, call up reputable organizations like Miles Ahead Donations and see them take it from there. Sure, you might have not made some extra cash, but you can delight in the fact that you’re doing a commendable humanitarian act.

November 28, 2014

How Specific Tax Deductions Actually Work For a New York Car Donation

The car’s value can also be determined by using IRS-approved resources such as reliable used-car price guides. Such resources, like the Kelley Blue Book, are available in most local libraries and even online. The Kelley Blue Book works by listing all relevant car models and makes, and the specific values that come with them. It is an indispensable source of information for people looking to either sell or donate a car in New York and elsewhere.

October 22, 2014

A Quick Guide to Donating a Vehicle

When it’s time to say goodbye to your used car, consider giving it away to a charity organization that accepts car donations. This has been done by millions of Americans and has long proved to be a worthwhile endeavor. Not only will it help you properly get rid of your old vehicle, but it also allows you to support charity programs in your own way.

October 6, 2014

Why Donate Your Car to Charity?

A car is one of the most expensive investments you can make, but it’s also one of the most useful. However, there does come a time when your once-flashy vehicle will become a clunker, and you’ll have no choice but to get a new one.
So what do you do with your old vehicle? You could have it scrapped, but there is a better option: donate it to charity! Below are a few great reasons to do so:

September 22, 2014

The Advantages of Donating Vehicles to Charity

When it comes to donating to charity, cash donations and petty donations in kind are usually the first things that come to mind. However, besides such donations, some charities may also accept car donations. It may seem a bit too much, but actually, there are benefits to be had, particularly for the donors, if they do make the decision to donate a vehicle, whether new or otherwise.

August 28, 2014

Where Does Your Donated Car Go?

One of the good things about donating a car is the knowledge that you could help a worthy charity, and at the same time, that you will have more savings to spend for you and your family’s needs. Donating your car is indeed a very generous thing to do. But what exactly happen after you give your car to your chosen charity and bid your vehicle goodbye?

August 19, 2014

Donating Old Cars is Easy and Worthwhile

Aside from giving cash to your favorite charity, you can also donate your old car to a non-profit organization, regardless of the condition of the vehicle. Turning to this method of helping the needy is beneficial for both charities and donors as this offers an alternative source of funds as well as a legal way to claim tax credits.

July 29, 2014

Things that are Better than Owning a Car

Owning a car isn’t as convenient as it sounds. Sure, it can take you easily to places, but you’ll have to deal with gasoline prices, traffic jams, car repair costs, etc. There are other things better than owning a car, and these are four of them.

July 22, 2014

Tips for a NY State Vehicle Donation

It can be hard to let go of a vehicle that has served you well, especially when your work requires you to shuffle from say, Manhattan, to somewhere in Long Island or Brooklyn. When you decide to go through the process of a car donation, there are steps to ensure that everything turns out well.  

June 30, 2014

Why Should You Donate Your Car to NY Charities?

Planning to sell your old car so you can get a new one? Why not donate it to your favorite charity and help those in need? Here are some reasons why donating your car to them may be valuable for you:

June 20, 2014

How Helpful Can Your $500 Car Be to Charity?

Assuming the old car that you donated to charity sold for $500. Under IRS regulations, you can claim the full market value as a tax deduction. Meanwhile, the charity to which you donated your car can use the money to support their cause. It may make you wonder, though, what can a registered nonprofit do with $500?

From a foreign currency's perspective, the number may not look much. However, given that the U.S. dollar is one of the most valuable currencies in the world, even $20 can already buy so much. Here's a rundown of how much impact $500 can have in supporting charities.

May 30, 2014

Your Car Donation and the IRS

One of the best parts of donating your car to charity is the tax deductions your act of generosity will earn you. Who wouldn’t want to donate and get thousands of dollars deducted from his taxes?

However, you should note that the IRS has made some significant changes to the way you can claim deductions from your recently-donated car. Here are a few things you need to remember when donating your car to charity: